Why goal setting doesn’t always work, and what to try instead

As much as we don’t always like to admit it, we’ve all failed in achieving a few (ahem, a lot of) goals. Whether it’s the January 1st promises of I will lose 10kgs by June or the wishful-thinking I will write a book this year, we’ve all fallen short at least once or twice.

The good news is that its not necessarily your fault. It’s just that your system is working against  you.

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Reaching Breaking Point?? Some DIY Solutions for Anxiety

Anxiety is a tricky beast.

It often tiptoes up on you, only to jump out from sharp corners; flooding you with adrenaline and, more often than not, fear.

Whilst anxiety is a negative feeling for many people, its important to know that you do not have to live with it forever, and that it can actually be harnessed to achieve positive things in your life.

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How To: train for a half marathon

Is 2018 the year that you plan to conquer your running-goals and smash your way through a half-marathon, but you’re not sure where to start with training? Are you a novice, looking to improve your fitness,  health and appearance, whilst actually still ENJOYING yourself along the way? (Let’s be straight, we all know running can be a bit boring at times). 

If this sounds like you; this post may be just what you’re looking for!


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The best places to eat vegan in Dar es Salaam

As a long-term vegan (3yrs+), whenever I visit a new place the first thing I look for is restaurants and decent food options. Whenever I come across somewhere that is both vegan, and highly-recommended, I can barely contain my excitement!

And so, without further delay; here are my favourite spots for vegan food in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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