July Road Map: Checking in, Challenges and Crossing Things Off Your List

Personally, I consider July 1st like a second New Years. It marks the mid-way point in the year; a time when it seems appropriate to reevaluate where you are going, and how you are progressing on your various goals. A chance to reflect on your trajectory, and adjust your behaviour or output in order to realign with your intended destination.

For me, it’s also a nice prompt to layout what I have in store for this month’s blog content (and let’s face it, reawakening)

You will have read in my previous post on goal setting and why it doesn’t always work that I sometimes think its valuable to abandon the idea of specific goals that are not directly within your control. However, this does NOT mean that you should abandon your efforts towards achieving them! Take July as a chance to reevaluate where you are with various things, and see if you need to adjust your pathway at all. Was one of your goals to lose some weight, but you’ve realised that over May and June your workouts have started to slip down your list of priorities? Take this opportunity to try out a new workout class, or to take up a new hobby sport. Pull your eating back into line, and research some hearty and healthy winter recipes that will keep your tastebuds (and abs) happy.

Did you have aspirations on finding your dream job, yet somehow you never actually wrangle up the nerve to submit your resume? Try chatting with a close friend or mentor in your desired industry to find out what traits they might be looking for, and what sort of skills you can work on to boost your confidence (and your qualifications!).

I consider July 1st like a second New Years. It marks the mid-way point in the year; a time when it seems appropriate to reevaluate where you are going, and how you are progressing on your various goals. Share on X

For me, this July is an opportunity to reassess what I want to achieve with this website, and to actually get my butt into gear with planning my direction.

AND SO, with no further ado, I present to you my Super Amazing and Fabulous Plan for July 2018 (can’t you tell, catchy titles are my niche?)

But in all seriousness, the theme for July is; Change, Checking in, and Crossing Things Off Your List; a month dedicated to helping you realign with your goals and ambitions in order to live your best life.

You’ll see posts on;

  • New workout and training routines (and results!)
  • My July favourites for quick-fix, lazy-girl healthy eating
  • What changes I have made to enhance my own career, including the sacrifices and payoffs
  • How to have The Job Talk with your boss when it comes to assessing your career direction and salary expectations

As well as some other secret bits! I guess you’ll just have to check in throughout the month to see what comes up!

If there is anything that you would like to see featured or discussed this month, please leave a comment below. Otherwise, I look forward to tackling some challenges with you this month!

Time to adjust your pony tail and crack on, ladies!




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